I just love my Tappan Deluxe.
I had been wanting an old vintage gas stove for the kitchen for some time. Not just any old stove mind you but a Tappan Deluxe Stove. You see back in 1955 my parents built a new house and they purchased a Tappan Deluxe for their new kitchen. Years later when they sold that house and moved to the country they brought that Tappan stove with them. The house we moved to already had a more modern built-in stove so my mother kept the Tappan in the basement and used it for all of her canning needs. I have fond memories of that stove and while I don’t have many regrets in life one of my biggest regrets is the fact that when we sold the house after my parents had passed on I didn’t take the stove with me. I had no place to put it at the time but I wish now I would have found someplace for it.
As time went on and my husband and I purchased our farm I just knew an old stove was what our kitchen needed. I thought it would be years down the road but one day my husband was browsing on Craig’s list and there it was. A Tappan Deluxe 60 series similar to the one my Mom had. As luck would have it, it was located in PA just across the Ohio line which was not far from where we had recently moved from. Unfortunately we now live about five hours away on the other side of the state. We purchased the stove and made a call to my brothers who still live in the area where we used to and they said they would be more than happy to go pick it up and keep it for me until we could come and get it. We didn’t wait too long before we went to pick it up as I was most anxious to get it.
The lady we purchased it from said she bought it years ago from the Salvation Army Store when as she put it, she was having to start her life over again. She said it had been a good stove and it had served her well. She was selling it because she just felt it was time to purchase a more modern stove. I however couldn’t be happier to replace my modern one with a vintage stove.

Now I’m a Tappan Glad Girl!
After getting it home my husband gave it a thorough going over. Upon researching the serial number we figure that our stove was made sometime between 1948 and 1950. The stove was already very clean as the previous owner kept it in nice shape. My husband took all of the burner valves apart and cleaned them and then greased them with JES Enterprises Vintage Range Valve Cream. This is very important on these old stoves as the valves are solid brass and they must be greased to prevent them from sticking and galling which can lead to gas leaks. We were hooking the stove up to propane gas so the valves all had to be adjusted, it had previously been used with natural gas. This was really quite simple as Tappan had used adjustable orfices so it was just a matter of turning them with a wrench until the flame was right. We moved the Tappan Deluxe stove into the kitchen with the aid of a dolly which made the job fairly easy. I have to mention here that these are VERY HEAVY stoves. They make the new stoves seem like a paper weight. For our first meal we celebrated with Chicken Broccoli Casserole and a bottle of wine. The casserole was done to perfection, the first of many successes in the Tappan!

Plenty of storage for all your goodies! Keeps them nice and crisp.
These Tappan Deluxe stoves are wonderful to cook on and beautiful to look at. Acres of white porcelain and enough chrome to make a fifty’s era car jealous. They measure forty inches across and you have plenty of room for pans on all four burners at once. It’s great when canning when you have the canner on one burner and some big stock pots on some others. Speaking of the burners, the Tappan Deluxe has two standard size burners plus one burner they called the Mighty-Mite which is good for small pans and then the giant burner which is great for canning or anytime you need lots of heat in a hurry. The oven is chrome lined which helps reflect the heat back at the food. The broiler is located directly under the oven and there is storage on either side of the oven. On the right side is a drawer and a towel rack that pulls out. On the left side ours had one drawer when we got it but my husband surprised me one Christmas with a set of three chrome drawers known as a Crisp Chest. These were an available option and one of the upgrades we made to ours. The Crisp Chest is the perfect place to keep crackers, chips and things that need to stay crisp. There are also serving trays located inside of each of the storage doors on either side of the oven. These trays also serve as burner covers when the stove is not in use. The top panel of the stove features a GE Telechron clock. It wasn’t working when we got it but my husband fixed it up and repainted the clock face and now it keeps perfect time. The clock is also a three and a half hour interval timer. There is also a thirty minute timer called a Visiminder. This timer lights up with a red line and ticks until it ends with a DING! There is also what they call a Visiguide that you view by turning a knob as it scrolls thru a menu of cooking and baking times for many different types of food. The top panel also has a light that works by a pull chain and an Oven On symbol that lights up when the oven is on.

Cove top with Telechron clock, Visiminder timer and Visiguide plus a set of vintage Tappan salt and pepper shakers.
The burner knobs on our stove had been replaced by some that weren’t originals but we were able to find some original ones in perfect condition on Ebay. The burner knobs have rings around them, ours had the original standard white rings but we replaced them with original chrome rings we also found on Ebay. It turns out that Ebay has been a great source for parts for these old stoves. These burner rings also came in ruby colored glass and amber glass. One of the coolest options with the glass rings is that they were usually paired with wiring that placed a light bulb behind each ring that was activated when the burner was turned on. This made the glass rings light up beautifully. We have purchased the ruby rings along with the wiring harness to add this feature to the stove in the future. When a Tappan Deluxe is outfitted with the glass rings and you light up the burners, the oven and the top, why it looks like Christmas! They just don’t make them like this anymore and these stoves were made right here in Ohio; Mansfield Ohio to be exact. Made in America by Americans with American steel and built to last! I wish we could get back to the days when we built things of this type of quality. Appliances that weren’t disposable but could be used for generations and if they broke they could be repaired.

Me and my Easy Bake Oven. A future Farm Wife in training.

Here I am forcing my brother to sample my latest creation. He looks like he’s about to be water boarded.
I thought I would include a couple pictures of me with my first stove, my Easy Bake Oven. This is what started my passion for baking. My brothers were forced to eat all of my creations whether they wanted to or not; they were good sports about it though.
We have since brought home a second Tappan Deluxe Stove but that is for another blog post along with how we got it down the basement stairs! Now I just need a vintage refrigerator to go with my stove.
Thanks for stopping by.
Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the first fruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.
Proverbs 3:9
Great story Sis…. haven’t thought about your easy bake escapades for 50+ years and those pics are definitely time capsule worthy. Keep cooking and stay happy. Looking forward to reading more of those yummy recipes…. the cinnamon raisin bread you and Rich gave us for Christmas was extraordinary . ❤️😎
Thanks big brother! We got quite a chuckle out of those photos too. Glad you liked the raisin bread; will see what else I can come up with to tempt your taste buds. Love, Jeanne
Hello. I don’t know if this will reach you but I am going to try. I recently bought a Tappan Deluxe stove. I reason your article that stated it had to be switched from natural gas to propane. I am having trouble finding someone who can do it. Any suggestions as to what I or a friend can personally do. I recently has a 🍸 built due to loosing my house in a fire and it really looks good in here. Any help will be appreciated.
Hi Debbie, these stoves are usually pretty easy to convert from natural gas to propane. First you should have a pressure regulator on your propane tank. Next you will just have to adjust the orifices. Usually a Tappan Deluxe stove will have adjustable orifices. The stove burner valves and the oven have a needle valve for the orifices and it’s just a matter of turning them in until you achieve the proper blue flame and flame height. You need less propane than natural gas so you will be making the orifice smaller by turning them in or tightening the orifice nut down. I hope this makes sense to you. You should also take the burner valves apart and clean them and grease them with the proper burner valve grease. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Best of luck with your new stove.
I have a 1948 Tappan Deluxe stove that looks like new. Burners do not work. Do you know of anyone that might want to purchase it. I live in the Buffalo New York area.
I bought mine off of craigslist so you might want to list it there. There is a stove restoration specialist in New York called “The Stove Lady”, she might be interested in purchasing it. Or you could see about posting it on the blog “Tappan Talk”. It shouldn’t take much work to get the burners to light.
Where did you find the burner rings and wire harnesses? I’m wanting to do the same thing to my stove like this. We snagged a Tappan Deluxe recently off of the Facebook Marketplace and got it for $75 total (with delivery!)
Also- do you know how the burner lights work? I’ve never seen the wiring but i’m guessing the wires go to the burner knob and when you turn the knob off and it breaks the circuit so the light goes off… I ask because if we can’t find the wiring that was meant for it we may just rig up our own! Probably throw some bright LED lights back there behind them…
Lastly- did you have to grease your valves on your stove? I’ve heard of people doing this and our knobs are kinda hard to turn so i’m guessing they need it. I just didn’t know if we need to remove the valves to grease them or how you do it…
I’m asking a lot and thank you in advance!!
P.S. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures! I love these stoves!!! Mine’s going to be amazing in our 50’s kitchen we are going to do!
I found the burner rings and the wiring harness on Ebay. The lights have a switch that is activated by turning the valves on and off. It sounds like your valves definitely need to be cleaned and greased. When they get stiff is when the knobs get broken trying to turn the valves. You will need to remove the valves, disassemble them, clean and inspect them. Grease them with the proper stove valve grease and reassemble. They will now work much smoother. These stoves are a joy to cook on. Good luck and enjoy your Tappan Stove!
Thanks for letting me know! I will enjoy it! I’ve got the top panel and a lot of it in parts restoring it… I finished the burners recently. They had some surface rust so I cleaned it off carefully and shined them up. They look really nice!
If you don’t mind me bothering you more- can you paint things like the stove grates, oven burner, the plate that goes with the oven burner (baffle?), and the non silver parts of the stove top burners? I see paint coming off the stove top burners so they may have been painted at one point… The oven burner and plate have the most rust of all… The oven’s in pretty good shape but i’m trying to keep the few rusty parts from rusting further. I’ve even pulled apart the top panel to rewire it and have removed the surface rust from things like the turning cogs that turn the visiguide. It’s crazy how that rust was trying to eat everything…
Some of the parts can be painted but most are chromed or porcelain coated. The oven burner and baffle I would just clean the rust from and use as is, you definitely don’t want to paint the baffle as even stove paint would burn off and the fumes would ruin dinner! The silver part of the top burners where the flames come out are chromed but the rest of it could be painted. It’s amazing how much of that old rust will scrub off. I have a second Tappen Deluxe and the chromed oven looked quite rusty when we got it but it cleaned up with some 4 o steel wool and water to where it now looks almost like new. All the best in your stove restoration.
I just hope the baffle and burner don’t continue to rust. It’d be kinda sad… But I think you’re right- best I can do is remove the rust on them.
You know since my dishwasher has a steam cleaning mode I put stove top burners in there on the bottom rack and some bowls on the top rack stupidly (corelle). The rust came off REALLY good and the old grease and such but then it sprinkled my corelle with rust and it’s having to slowly wear off of the bowls. =( Lesson learned- wash rusty items by themselves! Haha
I used a dremel brush on high to help knock some of the remaining rust off but after having an arm and forehead covered in little metal brush pieces I was wondering what’s going on… After some digging I found out to only use wire brushes on low speeds on the dremel as they aren’t rated for higher ones. I even found wire brush pieces in the top of my head that we had to get out with tweezers! Sheesh. Lesson learned!! But on low it takes a little longer but still helps out! Just use goggles or eye protection.
I guess for the shape that the burner grates are in I may sand them smooth and go at them with the highest temp paint I can grab. I’ve read that people had some good luck with that. I’ll use my oven at my current house with the windows open and cure it in the oven after too like people said to do…
Well I got some ideas… Can’t wait to piece it back together and get it going! The funnest part is trying to figure out what to do for the clock as my old one’s face was melted off. I think i’m either throwing the Coca Cola magnet in it’s place that I have (fits the hole perfectly) or I can get an undersized clock insert and make some trim to go around it… I dunno. I refuse to pay the prices people are asking on ebay for the clocks or top panels. Sheesh.
I’m going to play around with ideas for the Visiguide too… Try and find a fabric/ paper material like the one they used and type up the scroll and reprint it somehow… If I did a fabric material I could do iron on transfers onto it and make a scroll maybe. It’d have to be thin fabric so I dunno. Otherwise I have no idea how i’d print a long scroll. If I did it from my computer it’d have to be taped together which wouldn’t work out that well and would be ghetto… I dunno. I haven’t found anyone else online who’s tried to make a replacement for it sadly. My Visiguide is old and spotted. Any parts like that i’ll keep in a box and not get rid of as they’re original but I still want to replace the scroll with something new..
I live in the Houston area and I purchased a Tappan Deluxe from someone on FB marketplace in the San Antonio area. Once I got the stove home I found out they had cut the wires at the plug from the top. I have tried to locate a wire assembly on eBay and even contacted dealers that reference older stove parts but was told you cannot purchase after market assemblies. I will most likely have to wire it myself, but have been unable to find the wiring diagram or schematic as reference. Any suggestions on where to go next?
Sorry for the long delay getting back with you. It’s been a while since the top has been off of my stove so I am having trouble remembering how things are. There isn’t a lot of wires in connection with the top of the stove on mine. The light, clock, 2 plugs, oven on light and the Visiminder light. I keep thinking that they all went to a block of terminals and then the power cord connected to that. I don’t have any kind of a wiring diagram. I have another top that I can dig out and have a look at and I can send you a photo of the wiring if that would help. Sorry I can’t offer anymore advice. Best of luck. They are great stoves! Jeanne
That would be great! Thank you so very much. I am ready to get cooking!
Hi Terry, I finally dug out that Tappan top and took some pictures of the wiring. There is just three wires that go to the plug on this one. If you would contact me by the email contact form on my blog I will be glad to email the pictures to you.
I thought i’d tell you on the vintage fridge.. Smeg makes some amazing ones but they look to be extremely narrow… Big Chill and Nortstar are your other options. I talked to my cousin who’s an electrician and he said those old 50s fridges aren’t like owning a vintage oven.. The oven is fine but the electric fridge is a horrible electric hog and very inefficient. Not to mention if they break they are impossible to find parts for.
SO Big Chill makes some great looking ones if you don’t mind dropping a few thousand on one. Otherwise an option for you is to track down people who custom print Vinyl wraps for them. I’m having a guy print me one for like $40 that looks like an old Coca Cola machine and i’m putting it in my 50’s kitchen as an alternative to a 50’s fridge.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions on the wraps. It seems they can do a full wrap or a door wrap and you stick it to the surface and possibly have to trim it to fit. But they either pull up the specs themselves or have you measure it… I haven’t ordered mine yet as we have a whole remodel we’re about to undertake first. I’m thinking I may just paint the sides of the fridge red to match the wrap and spay paint a white Coca Cola logo onto mine and then do the vinyl wrap on the front…. Just an idea. =)
*I’ve linked a website that does the wraps but if you dig a little thru pinterest and such you can find a dealer that prints them at a fraction of this price that this company charges.
I need to get my stove out of a basement..a very narrow stairway basement. How can I dismantle my stove to make this labor of love easier?
There isn’t a whole lot that you can do easily to make the stove narrower. I would start by carefully removing the door handles and the burner knobs. You might also want to remove the burner valves as the stems will still be sticking out the front. Get a good measurement of your stairs and the stove. I guess if it fit down there it should fit back up. Be careful as they are very heavy! Best of luck.
I wonder if my wife and I have your mother’s basement canning Tappan Deluxe. We bought it from an appliance repair men who said it’s almost new condition was due to its being used by a woman only for canning in the basement. It’s in our basement now in Ohio near Cleveland. The appliance repair man probably bought it from the basement of an Ohio home.
That would be something if it was my mom’s stove! We sold my mom and dad’s house in 1997 and the stove was in the basement then. I’m not sure if the next owners kept it or not but they sold the house in 2010 at auction. When did you purchase the stove? I would love to see a picture of it. You could email me using the contact form. These stoves are great for canning and everything else too!
We recently acquired one of these stoves and attempting to get it back to working condition. (It sat locked up in a house for roughly 30 years after the owner died. Having a very difficult time finding replacement parts for it. One thing needed is the top burners drip pans, they are in bad shape. Checked on eBay with no luck, and other other sites as well.
Any suggestions on where I may be able to find them, among other parts?
I have had the best luck on Ebay so just keep checking. Sometimes wording the search several different ways will return different postings. I’ve done that and found things that didn’t show up in my first search. There are various old stove parts websites you can search out. You might have to send them an email or call, they will be more costly though. If your pans aren’t rusted through you might check on having them re-chromed. You can also check Craigslist in your area and try to find a donor stove. I have noticed that these old stoves and their parts are getting more expensive. I guess people are realizing what great stoves they are and they are well worth the effort to restore them and use them. I wouldn’t trade mine for any new stove! Best of luck!
Can you give me some details on how you made adjustments for propane? Thank you!
Hi Sheila, the orifices on the Tappan Deluxe are all adjustable. They are essentially needle valves. There will be one on each burner plus one for the oven. Using a wrench you will want to turn the orifice which is a hex nut all the way in and then back it out about a turn or so. Light the burner and check the flame. You want a sharp blue flame with a distinct inner cone. A yellow flame means you have too much gas and you need to close up the orifice. There are 3 different size burners and the flames need to be adjusted as follows. The giant size burner should have an inner blue cone about 7/16″ long. The standard size burners should be 3/8″ long and the smaller mighty-might burner should be 7/16″. To adjust the air mixture open the shutter until the flame just starts to blow away from the burner then close it just enough so it stops doing this. The pilots should also be adjusted so the flame is in the middle of the pilot tube. There is a screw to adjust the pilots. Adjust the oven burner the same way as the top burners. You’ll also need a regulator on your propane tank. It’s all really pretty simple. Propane uses a smaller orifice opening than natural gas so just close it down until it looks right.
Best of luck with your stove!
Thank you so much for all the info and your time! I have discovered our orifaces do not have the needle therefore not adjustable. We have ordered what we believe to be correct ones based on BTU rating. Crossing our fingers. Absolutely love the stove! Thanks again!!!
Hope all goes well with the gas conversion. If need be the original orifices can be brazed shut and new holes drilled to the correct size.
Best of luck!
Love your site,
I have a Tappan Deluxe stove too. Model # AV 668-9 SS #103651. tappan marca . I believe it’s a early 50’s Sounds like you’re so full of information. My question is I’m missing some parts for the pilot light. Do you have any idea what parts I need to find so I can get my oven to work. Do you happen to have a photo of this pilot asm. I think it has a pilot light because of the instructions on how to light the pilot on the right side oven valve asm. I run this stove at 9600 feet above sea level on propane. The stove burners run with a nice blue flame. Any information would be greatly appreciated . Thank you !
I’ll have to take a look at the other Tappan stove I have in the basement and get a picture of the pilot setup on it. The one I use everyday doesn’t have a standing pilot for the oven. I’ll see if I can get a good picture of it. Thanks, Jeanne
Hi, there is a bi-metal thermal switch that activates the oven on light. Yours is stuck in the on position. Ironically mine is stuck in the off position and needs replaced. You can purchase a new one on Ebay for under $10. Just do a search for bi-metal thermal switch. These are generic switches and I’m not sure which one you will need so you will need to remove yours and take a look at it. There will be a wire going into the back of the stove that it is attached to. Pick a switch that has a temperature cut in that is just below the lowest setting on your stove. I believe that the way it works is that the oven on light is connected to the switch which is an open circuit switch. When the oven is turned on and the bi-metal switch reaches the correct temperature it closes the circuit and the oven on light comes on. When the oven is turned off and it cools down the switch turns the light off.
Best of luck with your stove! Jeanne
thanks for the inf. I’ll get right on it. I love this stove……
Hi, when you said you used 4 o steel wool, just to clarify it was very fine stuff, not coarse, correct? Probably marked 4/0 or 0000? Not just 4. Just about to tackle the rust in the chromed oven and want to do it right.
Hi, yes the steel wool is 0000, the fine stuff. You don’t want anything too course or it will scratch the chrome. You can dip the steel wool in some water and that will help scrub some of the rust off. This method is just for removing any surface rust on the chrome. Any heavy rust has already gone through the chrome. Those areas of heavier rust can just be cleaned but the rust will remain. Most of it should clean up well though. Wipe it all down with a rag and clean water and dry it well when done and hopefully you’ll have a bright shiny oven!
Hi there!
I have the same Tappan oven you do, and I am really enjoying it! I would love to know more about how to remove the clock to clean and repair, and what kind of high temperature grease you use for the oven door. I appreciate your tips, and I love and appreciate the post!!
Thank you!!
I’m glad to hear you are enjoying your Tappan stove! To access the clock it’s easiest to just go ahead and remove the entire top roll. You can then clean the clock and any other parts that need a good cleaning. Most likely there is an accumulation of years of grease and dirt in there. Just be sure to set a blanket down on top of your stove to lay the top on once you have removed it as you don’t want to scratch anything. Clean the dirt and grease out from around the clock with some Q tips. You can lightly lubricate any of the moving parts with some light machine oil like 3 in 1 oil. The Visitimer could also benefit from a shot of oil.
As for the oven door; if you open the side doors you will see a small access panel on each side. Remove these panels and carefully part the insulation and you will see the workings of the door hinges. It’s been awhile since we did this but if memory serves there is a bearing in there that needs oiling. We just gave it a shot of motor oil from the old oil can and it was amazing how much easier and smoother the oven door opened. If you need to apply any grease I would use the same grease that I referenced for the burner valves. I hope this information helps and if there is anything else you need just ask and I’ll do my best to answer.
Happy baking!
Thank you, Jeanne!
That’s very helpful. I am going to do all of that – thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge.
I’ve realized that the oven door is slightly offset and the metal screeching in part comes from the metal hinge rubbing against the door. This oven was in one house for years, and I am the second owner, but it looks like it has settled a bit. I am going to investigate and see if I can find out what needs to be adjusted:)
I’ll send pictures when I cleaned and beautified!
Thank you again!
Hi there I just purchased one of these myself. I am taking it to Stoney Point Supply in Sugarcreek Ohio and they are going to convert it to propane, adjust the oven temp, change the wiring and try to get the clock running. My question is do you have an owners manual? Do you know where to find one.
Hi Shauna,
Your Tappan (and kitchen) are beautiful! I have loved cooking on my Model 63 Tappan Deluxe that turns out perfectly cooked meals and maintains very even temperature throughout! I have an upcoming challenge that needs your wisdom. I am tasked with hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, and excitedly bought a large roaster to fit the bird. Unfortunately, it is MUCH too big for my Tappan! Do you have any recommendations of a roaster that will fit and still be large enough for a turkey to feed 8-10 people?
Thank you in advance!
I love this page! I just purchased a 60’s series Tappan deluxe, TV 662. It is almost perfect and I got it for a steal. I am so excited. I am taking it to Stoney Point Supply (Sugarcreek Ohio) to have it converted to propane, everything checked and the wiring updated. The clock isn’t working but i did copy your info for them at Stoney Point. I was wondering tho if you know where I can locate a user manual. My stove has a roller on the right that has cooking times for different things and a measure conversion on the left. I have a deck light switch on the left. I do not see an oven on light. I would also love to have the crisper drawers. Do you know where to find them? Also is the oven self lighting or match lighting? I pick it up tomorrow and take it to stoney point monday. Thank you for this site. soooo Helpful
Hi Maria,
I’m excited for you on the purchase of your Tappan stove. You will love cooking and baking with it. I’ve found most of the Tappan parts I’ve needed on Ebay. Owners manuals show up there from time to time. You just have to keep checking. Also when searching try doing multiple searches using various search words and you will probably find more items. At least it works that way for me. There are several old stove parts suppliers but they usually want top price for everything so Ebay is your best bet. These Tappan stoves had either a match light oven or they came with a pilot light for auto lighting. The auto lighting stoves are the CP model and it should say that on the top roll. The range tops all have a pilot light for the burners. If your oven is a match light it is very simple and safe so don’t let that trouble you.
Best of luck and let me know if I can be of any help.
I Picked it up today and while cleaning it I think it may have a pilot oven light. I’m taking it to an Amish place I found near me tomorrow so they can switch it to LP propane and calibrate it I am having them rewire it etc. What is the best to clean them with? This stove is beautiful, I know it will cook fabulous and it will fit right in with my 150 year old farm house. I can’t wait. Thank you so much for replying.
Hi Maria,
I just scrub mine down with some dish soap and warm water. Wipe it down with some clean water and then towel dry. You might need to soak the drip pans and burner grates to get them clean. The burners are removable if they need scrubbed. The second Tappan I have looked quite rusty inside of the chrome oven when I got it. I took a 00 fine steel wool pad and dipped it in water and started scrubbing it and all the rust scrubbed right off and it shined like new! I highly recommend having your repair guys clean and grease the burner valves. This will keep them working smoothly and not leaking gas. The reason a lot of these old stoves end up with broken handles is because the burner valves get dry and hard to turn and the handles brake apart from too much force being used to turn them. This stove will be a perfect addition to your old farmhouse! Keep me posted!
I have the stove that the oven piolet stays on and it has a regulator for auto shut off if the pilot goes out. What Alvin for got to show me is how to light the stove pilot lights can you possibly tell me where and how to light them? I got the stove back , all rewired , converted to propane and calibrated. Now to get it hooked up
Hi Maria,
Both of my Tappans are match light so here is the information I have from one of my Tappan manuals. For CP Models equiped with automatic oven lighting. Be sure oven valve is off, push in red button and hold lighted match to pilot tip until pilot ignites and stays lit. The pilot should be on the right side of the oven down in the broiler area. The valve with the red button will be in the right side compartment. There is a pilot adjusting screw on the valve by the red button that you can turn to adjust the pilot. You want to have a blue flame and it should just touch the Thermocouple. There is an air adjustment also on the pilot tip.
When you light the burner pilots you’ll also want to adjust those as well. If you remove the front burner grills and drip pans and look straight down inside you’ll see the adjustment screw on the pilot tube. Adjust the pilot just big enough to light the burners. If it’s too big they’ll get all sooty and have a strong gas smell. Too small and it’ll be hard to light the burners and the pilot can be blown out easily by a strong breeze.
Best of luck and let me know how it goes!
Lots of great info. I just bought a house that has a very similar model stove that came with it. Your post and replies have been very helpful!
My stove looks very similar but seems to have 3 extra turn knobs to the right of the clock. A black one, a white one that says on/off/set and makes a clunk sound when I turn it. And a red knob. Do you have an idea on what these do?
Hi Jesse, Your stove has the Time Control Clock for automatic oven operation. You turn the lower black knob to set the time you wish the oven to turn off. Turn the upper red knob to set the length of time for baking. Turn the middle knob clockwise so that the word set is in the top position. Next set the heat control to the desired temperature. Then push in the oven valve and turn clockwise to automatic. Now it will turn on at the desired time and bake until done and then turn off. This was a deluxe feature on these stoves.
Enjoy your stove!
Hello Jeanne,
searching the Internet to find out more about an old Tappan, I ran across your blog. I tried the online Identifier, but it could not identify my model/year. The label is very difficult to access and read, but I believe I have the numbers correct. Any suggestion how to get more info on my old stove? I would like to restore it, as it functions flawlessly.
Thank you
Hi, there isn’t much information available as far as identifying model years. There was a blog called tappantalk.blogspot.com that was compiling a list of model and serial numbers. You can check there and see if you can find any information. If your stove is a 60s series like mine it was probably made in the 1948 to 1950 range.
Sorry I can’t be of more help.
thank you for your reply, I will follow your suggestion and try the tappantalk. I do not believe our stove is as old as yours. Judging by the general aesthetics and all the pictures I have seen on the Internet, most likely 70’s or even 80’s. Nonetheless, it functions perfectly and I will attempt to restore it as good as I can, in spite having my background in art conservation and never worked on a stove 🙂
Thank you again